Welcome to Atelier of Life!

Hello beautiful souls and welcome to my online sanctuary.
My name is Maja, a devoted Reiki Master and Yoga teacher, driven by a deep desire to share these sacred gifts with others. They profoundly touched and transformed my journey and now I impart these offerings to you, as you embark on a journey that is uniquely yours.

What is Atelier of Life?

In the French language, Atelier resonates with the meaning of studio, workshop or haven for gatherings. This is the vision unfolding at Atelier of Life as we grow into a “Space of Life”, a sacred space where we can come together and share in the radiant glow of Reiki, yoga, art and soulful conversations.

Atelier brings with it the essence of spaciousness.

The space to artistically craft the masterpiece that is YOU

The sacred space to plant the seeds of joy through well-being, community, and meaningful connections.

The place where we embody our genuine selves, authentically and unapologetically.

It brings me immeasurable joy to curate and hold this sacred space for you. I’m delighted for us to share this journey and space, carving out a sanctuary where joy takes root within us and ripples out to touch the lives of others.

Meet Maja: The Nurturing Soul behind Atelier of Life

Maja's path has been one of dedication and resilience. Years of unwavering self-work have brought her to this point, where she humbly stands as Accredited Reiki Master Teacher, Yoga Teacher and Crystal healer, esteemed Member of Yoga Australia, and the National Coordinator of Reiki Share Day at Reiki Australia.

“Reiki is the secret art of inviting happiness. Just for today, do not anger. Do not worry and be filled with gratitude. Devote yourself to your work. Be kind to people.”

— MIKAO USUI, founder of Reiki

Discovering the role of a Healer

My role as a healer and teacher is to help you ignite the healing fire within you, extending unwavering support, space, and guidance.

I am here to empower you and act as a catalyst for your journey, supporting you as you discover your natural healing abilities and implement these practices into your life.

While I channel the healing energy, the profound power to heal already resides within you.

Each of my clients fills me with deep gratitude, as it is their devotion to healing that is truly inspiring and the essential element to their success. I am humbled and proud to be part of their journey.

Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.

— The Bhagavad Gita

What I do…

  • reiki & crystal healing


  • YOGA


Testimonies of Transformation

  • How glad I was to have found Maya, because walking out of that first session I felt calmer, lighter, relieved and just connected to myself again. I can honestly say that reiki was the turning point for me and definitely put me back on the path that I wanted to be on. It’s a busy world out there and it’s hard not to lose yourself in all the noise. Maya will help you reconnect and find yourself again.

    I can’t thank her enough for how much she has helped me.

    Brendan ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

  • Maja creates a calming and safe space that has you at ease as soon as you walk in the door. Reiki was an unknown thing to me & Maja made me feel comfortable the whole way through. I still don’t know how she does it, but I leave every session knowing I have received the messages that I truly needed in that moment. Maja takes so much care in everything that she does, which has helped guide me through happy & sad moments in my life. She is always willing to go above & beyond to make sure you feel supported.

    Rebbecca ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

  • Maja from Atelier of Life has changed my mindset and opened my heart to lead with love, not consumed by fear and frustration. I feel a shift everywhere in my world after seeing Maja for several reiki healing sessions, my home feels happier and brighter, my outlook on life is more positive, there is a calmness now with in me. Maja is truly an amazing kind human being. I will always continue to see Maja for reiki healing. I can highly recommend her to anyone who is looking to enhance and improve their world.

    Thank you so much Maja

    Emily ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

  • As someone who has never done this type of thing before, I had such a memorable experience. Maja masterfully created an environment and experience that enabled me to walk towards my vulnerability in a supportive way. Already rebooked!

    Hayden ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️