Answers you seek…

What are the Chakras?

In Sanskrit, ‘Chakra’ means wheel and refers to the energy centres within the body. There are many chakras or energy points within the body, each corresponding to different organs, nerves, physical and emotional processes. Within our sessions we will be focusing on the 7 main chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown. It is vital that our chakra system is balanced and aligned, for optimal spiritual, emotional and physical well-being. Yoga and Energy healing are wonderful ways to take care of your energetic system. 

Can Reiki be used to treat illness or disease?

Reiki is not to be used as a treatment for illness or disease. Reiki is a complementary therapy and it works alongside other medical and therapeutic techniques. However Reiki can help to prevent many disease due to its many benefits:

  • Promoting harmony and balance

  • Supporting self-healing and empowerment

  • Deep relaxation

  • Dissolving energy blocks

  • Helps pain and anxiety

  • Supports the immune system

  • Assists emotional cleansing

  • Aids deeper sleep 

What will somebody feel during an energy healing session?

During your treatment you may feel a sense of relaxation. You might experience tingles as your energy shifts. Expect to receive goosebumps, chills or even hot flashes - it is the energy churning within you. 

You may see visions or colours and/or receive intuitive guidance. 

But it’s OK not to feel anything; It works whether you feel it or not.

What is post-session care and integration?

After energy healing, it is important to support your physical body as it is integrating. It is not uncommon to experience a ‘purging’ as your body lets go of emotions/energy. This can present with flu-like symptoms, headache, phsyical detox and emotional releases. You may not feel any of this as it is different for each individual.

The best way to support your body after energetic work is to  HYDRATE! Drink plenty of water after your session, rest, ground in nature, gentle movement and be gentle with yourself for a few days. 

Is there anything else you would like to know?